the filter i see thru

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Well, I'm getting back into doodling, that's a start. I am so resistant to using pencils! Since I'm at a stage where I'm relearning as well as getting comfortable with my drawing I REALLY need to use pencil as opposed to pen! Can anybody else relate to this dilemma? I think I'm just devoid of discipline as I am in most area's of my life at this stage of existance. I really do my best to stay clear of anything outside of my comfort zone...actually, I do think I'm making some tiny baby steps...Just do it..this is what my "inner coach" is saying ..or shouting.


Mz. Gydnew said...

That's so me. I've forced myself to do the EDM challenges in pencil and draw them realisticly instead of stylistically. But then for balance I have fun doing Illustration Friday any way I like.

Teri said...

I like your keys. I can relate to the pen/pencil dilemna. I always used pencils and then decided I was going to use pen no matter what. And it works fine. I am the only one that sees all the wrong lines on the way to the right ones.

pedalpower said...

I like your key drawing. I have been doing just the opposite....making myself use pen instead of pencil. That's because I get so caught up in trying to make it perfect that I end up erasing like crazy if I use a pencil. With a pen I just redraw the line and keep going.

Zengal said...

Hi Gaby, I have the opposite problem. I am afraid of the committment and clarity and permanence of the marks made by pens. So I gravitate towards pencil, charcoal and oil paints. All 3 are non-committal (you can easily retract/redo/erase). I am actually forcing myself to try to use pen& ink. GO FIGURE! Let's continue this discussion in a month or 2 and see where we're at....