the filter i see thru

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Where's my profile, Dammit?

I think I should just about give up with trying to get this blog to do what I want it to do. It refuses to put my photo and other profile info up with my profile. All this time I could've been doing something productive...well, its been a ruff day. Time to put it all behind me, get some sleep, and start anew tomorrow. When I don't draw or create some kind of art I get this gnawing feeling in my gut like there is something I'm lacking. Think I'll do a little doodle and then plan to work on my masterpiece tomorrow. Good night. Oh and I'm going to put up a photo of an abstract-themed (mini) atc I did for a "mini" atc group. The size is 1.5 by 2.5!


Nita Van Zandt said...

Welcome to EDM! I love this particular piece, right off!

Note: you're getting spam comments already. In the settings on your blog editing tabs, if you turn on "word verification" you'll keep these spams out.

gail said...

Gabriella - Very nice ATC! Wow - 1.5 X 2.5 is a small canvas to work on but this is great. I am also new to EDMG and look forward to seeing more of your work.