the filter i see thru

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Altered Book pages 2 and 3

Page 3 is on top and 2 on bottom. Its a spread I did about just a little bit of anger I have toward an ex fiance. I did the entire spread spontaneously. So I was surprised to see all the anger come out of my subconcious. I cut out random words and sentences and pasted them down quickly so that I did not have time to make decisions. Page 2 even includes his name! And the picture of the man in the center which says "the master story teller"-that's him alright. Its funny because the picture is actually of L.Ron Hubbard. I didn't realize Hubbard was a big science fiction writer before he wrote his latest novel which he turned into a religion- his religion. Sheesh! What narcissism. My ex was a narcissist. If anyone has been in a relationship with a narcissist they know what I'm talkin' about! :) Scarey stuff. We all have narcissistic qualities to one degree or another, but a real narcissist can be a very, very dangerous person. Thank God for the therapeutic value of art! Not to mention how much fun it is!


Mark McDonnell said...

Nice sense of design inside of the collage.


Anonymous said...

Love your collages. Especialy like all the graphite markings and writing. They really add to the feeling.