the filter i see thru

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

self portrait tuesday-1/17/06 "teen angst and ice cream"

I've always been known to take the icecream experience to new limits. This was one of those times.
I'm experimenting with ways I can visually express January's version of Self Portrait Tuesday. I've started with teen angst and its effects on my hair (I'm 34 now). Bright "manic panic" red was one of my favorites. Photo shop helped recreate the color! Photo shop and I are still getting to know each other.
I found the hair dye in a store in the village called "manic panic" which was also the name of the dye. There were many colors, but red was my fave. Holy Crimson! I didn't know I could get more than one photo to a post! OK Blogger and I are still in the "getting to know each other" phase, too. Now I must ge back to my watercoloring and bathroom cleaning. The inlaws are coming tomorrow. self portrait tuesday: January Challenge - Personal History

1 comment:

Diz Rivera said...

Love the color! Especially in contrast to the mint ice cream.